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FieldsFansChicago.org Launches
"Selfridges Come Home To Chicago" Campaign
(CHICAGO-August 13, 2015)
Jim McKay and Leslie Singer, FieldsFansChicago.org
regards AT FieldsFansChicago DOT org
The grassroots organization FieldsFansChicago announces an independent campaign to bring Selfridges to Chicago. The campaign is named Selfridges: Come Home To Chicago.
Through the generations, the histories of two world-class, beloved emporia, Chicago's Marshall Field's and London's Selfridges, have separated and re-converged. With this as inspiration, FieldsFansChicago seeks to encourage the Selfridges Group to work with Chicago's citizens and civic leaders to establish an international retail experience in Chicago that re-captures the heart and soul of Marshall Field and Company that has been missing during the past nine years.
Harry Gordon Selfridge started out at Chicago's Marshall Field and Company on State Street, where he played a pivotal role in defining and making Chicago's world-class emporium a unique retail experience beloved world-wide throughout the 20th century. Eventually, Selfridge translated and replicated that experience into London's own world-class emporium, Selfridge & Co. on Oxford Street. Highly regarded as both a Chicagoan and Londoner of great civic stature, Mr. Selfridge's legacy extends to both cities.
Today, Selfridges is considered "Best Department Store in the World" as voted by the Intercontinental Group of Department Stores (IGDS). Historically, the DNA and soul of today's Selfridges springs from Chicago's Marshall Field and Company. Reciprocally, the last great renaissance at Marshall Field's on State Street was in the early 2000s, when it interpreted and implemented a Chicago version of Selfridges Oxford Street "stores within a store" concept.
While Macy's currently exists in the former Marshall Field's store building on State Street, Marshall Field's is still overwhelmingly missed. People want more than Marshall Field's nostalgia and historical markers at State Street: they want the Marshall Field's experience restored as a vibrant, contemporary, world-class emporium. Surveys of over 2,000 shoppers from 2009-2012 showed that 4 out of 5 overwhelmingly prefer Marshall Field's to New York's Macy's.
The State Street store burned to the ground twice. Yet, Mr. Field rebuilt again and again, each time better than before. With that as inspiration, FieldsFansChicago embarks on courting and encouraging the Selfridges Group and its leader, Toronto's Weston Family, to open a new world-class Chicago emporium that recaptures the ethos of Marshall Field's.
FieldsFansChicago.org is mobilizing with fervency to recruit Selfridges to Chicago. Our first effort was an October 2014 lecture at the Chicago Cultural Center on Mr. Selfridge's history in Chicago. Our latest effort is the extension of our highly popular free button campaign with a new design featuring the "Selfridges Come Home to Chicago" slogan. Other efforts will continue with our bookmark/flyer campaign; rallies; lectures; social media campaigns; and other activities. (Details on the buttons can be found here.)
For further information, please contact FieldsFansChicago.org via email at regardsATfieldsfanschicago.org or phone Jim McKay at 312.927.4424
FieldsFansChicago.org is a grassroots collection of concerned citizens. It is solely responsible for its activities including the content of this press release. It is independent and in no way connected with outside organizations such as Selfridges Group, Macy's, Bloomingdale's, Macy's, Inc. (formerly Federated Department Stores), Marshall Field's, etc.
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Revision of 8.12.2015
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This site is NOT affiliated in any way with Marshall Field's, Macy's,
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